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Screen printing of metal

Addtime:2015/7/4 16:46:18  Hits:1865

Screen printing of metal
 A wide range of metal screen, printed all kinds of signs root, panels, signs and metal molded products. Most of them are decorated by direct printing, without much difference in the screen printing technique, only metal products are of durable goods, higher surface decoration requirements, more durable and therefore more prepress surface treatment such as surface coating, plating, anodizing oxidation or mechanical roughening (trip pattern, drawing) and the like. When printing, make sure the surface clean, so be sure to wear gloves when working. Accumulated grease, fingerprints and dust stains on the surface if treated, we must use trichlorethylene, solvents, thinners and gasoline washed. In addition, according to the choice of appropriate surface properties of the metal printing ink, such as paint and coating the surface of amino epoxy paint, to use amino and epoxy thermosetting inks; on nitrocellulose lacquer and other natural drying of the coating, Solvent volatilization type or oxidative drying inks, solvents or diluents must be used with caution in order to prevent the destruction of paint, and after printing by coat varnish to improve the gloss and protect the entire surface; surface of the metal plating also Available heatset ink printing, but must pay attention to the difference between the metal plating layer and the coefficient of thermal expansion, in order to control the heating temperature to avoid disparities caused by the expansion coefficient of the coating cracking; anodized aluminum will form a gap uniform oxide layer (thickness 2 ~ 10μm), having a large surface area, can improve the coating (ink) adhesion, addition, dye adsorption performance, the ink can be diffusion method or dip dyeing making signs.
1. Silk screen signs of corrosion corrosion signs is a traditional signs, a variety of instrument panels used as fill sandblasting paint signs, used as a travel license number and variety of equipment corrosion baking machine electrical nameplate signs, used as an industrial environment is poor mechanical and electrical products plated brass front plate, is used as instruments, electronic instruments oxide electrode surface decoration of porcelain paint signs, as well as high light signs. Graphic signs on these past all the liquid sensitive adhesive (fibrin glue, glue, gelatin, polyvinyl alcohol, gum, etc.) appearing by photochemical method. Although this approach has the advantage of small deformation graphic, but there are manufacturing processes to produce more inefficient, labor-intensive and more energy and other defects. Show graphic screen printing method, productivity can be increased several times, saving a lot of auxiliary materials and energy. Under specific description for the reader silk screen graphic signs of corrosion.
2. Silk dyeing alumina plate aluminum oxide plate, hard and smooth surface, wear-resistant and durable.
Aluminum oxide plate, rear panel closed by oxidation, the surface layer of oxide film, the surface hard and smooth. With the general printing inks often poor adhesion, which should special attention. To solve this problem, you must first lose silkscreen ink solution and operational problems. Alumina screen printing inks, silk screen is the key to solving the aluminum adhesion, firmness and other problems of the ink film. This ink is different from the ink, it will firmly adhere to the aluminum, and also has excellent light resistance, it is ideal for printing ink anodized aluminum signs.
3. Features color printing punch punch plate aluminum plate is painted in recess, it is good abrasion resistance, but also has three-dimensional effect, used machinery companies plaque plate and so on. The traditional production method is to use artificial recess etching described in paint (paint with needles or injection), and then use the manual trimming, remove residual paint edge. This method is not only time-consuming, inefficient and requires the operator to have proficiency in, and made the sign face signs often unclear word side, handwriting deformation, the quality is very unstable. Thus, only a limited number of low-volume production, less the number of colors, demanding quality, design is very simple signs.
4. Sandblasting paint aluminum printing plate fitted silk fitted sandblasting signs of paint, it is a traditional sign making processes. These products look silvery white, high surface hardness and wear resistance.
5. Silk water white wood from aluminum plate aluminum plate is a new sub-surface matt signs recently appeared in China. Such signs milky white appearance, smooth surface smooth, without relief, resistant to heat, salt spray, anti-fungal properties, also has a strong light fastness, abrasion resistance, resistance to organic solvents and other characteristics, is suitable for needs regular cleaning The machine and the machine will operate under relatively harsh environmental conditions. More commendable is white aluminum printing plate production process water less, high efficiency, almost no "three wastes" generated its human, energy (including water, electricity) consumption does not exceed one-third of the traditional signs of corrosion.
6. After printing plate aluminum oxide color anodized aluminum flat plate is a plate varieties, it is widely used. It has a beautiful, bright, high hardness, good wear resistance characteristics. The conventional process for the next aluminum sheet, mechanical polishing, chemical polishing, oxidation; indirect legal screen version, plus lithopones paste paint alkyd varnish to protect printing; coloring dyeing pulp. The screen version of the process regardless of the system or staining, there is more use of materials, process complexity, low resistance to Indian forces, poor resolution, high cost disadvantage. Under current technology, the preparation of a set of simple steps, good quality and high efficiency of the new technology is possible. New technology to non-toxic glue direct method diazo type photosensitive screen plate, proved up to the plate fast, high resolution, high resistance to Indian forces, with less material requirements. And you can print protective lacquer, dyeing, printing material step back into one that made the aqueous dye printed material, direct dyeing, successive chromatic, without color cylinders. Thus greatly simplifying the entire process and operating procedures so that the plane had new signs oxidative dyeing methods.
7. Highlight dimensional relief aluminum plate with the continuous development of production technology, material and spiritual improvement of people's living standards, people not only to product features have become increasingly demanding, and product modeling, decorating also put forward higher requirements . Especially with the domestic and international market economy, foreign trade continued to expand, people outside of product features and quality requirements are now increasing. In order to improve the market competitiveness of products, high-end products, high-light signs three-dimensional relief has been widely used.
8. Silk screen plating plaque plaque is many signs factory production of a product. Plaque mainly metal-based materials, it requires serious, obviously, decorative and strong. In the traditional metal plaque, especially brass, the corrosion word, note black square plaque is most common. With changing people's aesthetic point of view, the gradual development of the commodity economy, the quality of the plaque has also been a new and different requirements. Since the introduction of the printing plate industry technology, not only promoted the development of printing technology, but also to the signage industry to develop new products to provide a technical means. Legal plated plaque is printing new signs plating, silk screen product of the combination. Its basic approach is to screen the legal system in the copper expressly graphics, covered with ink to protect the site no graphics, graphic parts of trees, silver, copper, nickel, chromium plating system, then the mechanical shaping, protection and processing.
9. Imitation metal etching silk imitation metal etching printed products, the visual effect of a metal etching. To achieve the above results, the substrate surface should have a mirror shine. On the substrate with a transparent ink printed ink film with irregularities, a roughened surface ground glass, with a combination of strong contrast rough surface, so that the printing appear before the concave, which is produced on the convex mirror printing results. The stronger the contrast, the better imitation etching. The effect of uneven thickness of the ink film is proportional. Its ink containing high solid content, if a low mesh plate, the effect will be better. This technique was originally used are propylene emulsion (solid content 50%) gel ink after drying to a heat treatment of 180 ℃. So limited to heat the substrate metal and glass, etc., can not be used hard plastic and paper. Because the use of high viscosity acrylic emulsion gels and other inks, as well as the operating temperature and other reasons, poor viscosity stability of the ink, the quality of the volatile products. Since the use of a UV drying ink screen printing, printing processes and techniques with great flexibility. 100% UV curable inks, ultraviolet irradiation for 3 to 5 seconds to harden the ink, during which the surface temperature is about 100 ℃. If you use a water-cooled UV irradiation machine, the temperature can be reduced to about 60 ℃, so that kind of substrates will increase in aluminum foil having a specular gloss of deposition paper, vinyl film deposition, vapor deposited polyester film and other printed materials.
10. Silk screen printing conical conical dial dial: first graphics screen to the transfer of rubber, and then loaded onto the conical part made special fixture, then rolled over from the transfer of rubber, so graphic it transferred to the conical part of.
11. Anodic oxidation melamine plate melamine plate surface oxidation was enamel-like, shiny and soft, with good anti-corrosion properties, high hardness and wear resistance, good thermal insulation properties and electrical insulation, good hiding power and less Ideal adsorption capacity, is instrumentation especially decorative high-end machine to share. But the production process gas containing chromium escape, so the operation of the device should be equipped with better ventilation and ventilation equipment, to avoid poisoning. Melamine surface oxidation pretreatment signs and silk screen sandblasting paint signs embedded basically the same, but melamine oxidation corrosion signs generally do not need chemical polishing, and direct oxidation. Melamine oxidation corrosion signs, signs of melamine and melamine-oxide oxidative dyeing of punching the printing plate is generally carried out prior to oxidation. Technology and sandblasting paint technology embedded same melamine oxide after oxidation corrosion signs, signs of oxidative dyeing melamine and aluminum oxide color printing plate is no different.
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Wenzhou Changs Machinery Co.,Ltd. has developed series of screen printing equipment, including automatic computerised UV screen printer, automatic textile screen printer, semi-auto textile printer, automatic flatbed screen printer, manual screen printer.

