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Screen printing - signage making Process

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Screen printing - signage making Process
 Signage making Process - Screen Printing
Screen printing is fingerprints version reticular, forum through holes and blind hole is formed in two parts, printing ink under the squeegee version of the squeeze drain printed on the substrate from the forum opening portion.
Screen printing belong hole printing, it printed, letterpress, gravure printing method is called together four. Stencil including transcribed version, holes flower version, spray and screen printing. Principle of stencil printing are: the plate (to produce a paper film version or the other version of version of the base by the ink aperture) at the time of printing, by a certain pressure so that the ink is transferred to the substrate (paper, ceramics through the stencil perforations, etc. ) to form an image or text.
Printing through the blade squeeze, the ink is transferred through the graphic part of the mesh to the substrate, the same as with the original graphic form. Screen printing equipment is simple, easy to operate, printing, platemaking simple and low cost, adaptability. Screen printing a wide range of applications common print: color paintings, posters, business cards, binding covers, product tags and dyeing textiles
Transcription is the most convenient printing stencil, it began in the late 19th century. The printing is in a special wax paper, made by typewriter or stylus wax paper facsimile edition, in the stencil printing ink roll version, the substrates can be an ideal printing results. In stencil printing, the most widely used screen printing
Screen printing is silk fabrics, synthetic fabric or metal mesh stretched on the frame, using hand-engraved plate film or photochemical method of making a screen printing. Modern screen printing technology, is the use of light-sensitive material through photolithography process to make screen printed version (so that the screen holes on the graphic part of the screen plate through hole, rather than the graphic part of the screen hole blocked live) paintings, prints, posters, business cards, binding covers, packaging, product tags, printing and dyeing textiles, glass and metal, such as flat carrier.
Printing Methods
CTP method
Methods: CTP method is when the plate is first coated with a photosensitive material wrist film base of photosensitive film side up flat on the work surface, good wrist will stretch the frame flat on the film base, and then put in the net frame the photosensitive paste and coated with a soft blade pressed, dried fully, then remove the plastic film base, attached to the wrist photosensitive film screen can be used for copy, by developing, after drying the silk screen.
Process: already Stretching - skim - drying - the release sheet base - exposure - development - drying - Revised Version - close up
Indirect plate method
Method: Indirect plate approach is the indirect exposure film first and then with 1.2% H2O2 developed hardening with warm water, dried and made peelable graphic film, graphic film screen film surface with a good stretch in close contact plate By pressing the screen to make film with moist paste real, peel off the film base, made of silk with the wind and dry on the screen.
1) has been Stretching - skim - Drying
2) Indirect film - exposure - hardening - development
1and2-- fit - dry - Revised Version - close up
Mixed between straight plate method: first photoresist layer with water, alcohol or sensitive glue on the screen in the frame, after air drying, thrown off a sheet of photographic film base, then copy, the development process is made after the wire screen.
Screen printing advantages:
(1) is not restricted by the size and shape of the substrate; and general printing, only on the plane, and screen printing can not only be printed on a plane can print on a spherical surface as the special shape of the molded article, there are what shape can be performed by screen printing.
(2) Layout soft indentation small. Screen soft and elastic.
(3) strong ink coverage can be printed in all black as white paper, three-dimensional sense.
(4) applies to all types of ink.
(5) strong resistance to optical performance. It can print gloss unchanged. (Temperature and daylight were not affected). This makes some of the sticker when printing without additional coating and other processes.
(6) Printing flexible manner.
(7) Copy convenient, cheap, easy to master technology.
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Wenzhou Changs Machinery Co.,Ltd. has developed series of screen printing equipment, including automatic computerised UV screen printer, automatic textile screen printer, semi-auto textile printer, automatic flatbed screen printer, manual screen printer.

