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Five Keys to do screen printing technology should be aware of

Addtime:2015/7/4 10:56:20  Hits:1623

Five Keys to do screen printing technology should be aware of
Ink formulation

     Thicken thinning method for determining the degree: the degree of concentration of the ink through the screen, the screen does not appear printed surface textured or brushed as well. Thin wire mesh on the extent to which the ink with its own weight can reach through the mesh but not dripping for the best. Fine line printing, you should dilute the point, on the contrary, should thicken points.

2. Screen Select
    Quality silk to wire diameter uniform, consistent and accurate mesh count for the quality and stability. The mesh is generally used 450 to 500 mesh. Thread, ink fineness, poor absorptive substrate should be used in high mesh count halftone, conversely, should use a low number of mesh screen. Graphic on screen position and screen size should be determined according to the structure of the substrate, the size and location of the substrate when the plate graphic. Such as poorly designed, it will affect the quality of printing, not even silk. In addition, the same is on the graphic printed material, preferably with a screen printing. As divided into two in order to access printing, screen printing process and more will reduce yield.
    3. Scraper selection
    Mostly using a blade material polyurethane. Urethane rubber blade abrasion resistance, solvent resistance and resilience and so good. Its selection of 60 to 80 Shore A hardness. Screen tension, surface flatness good substrate, high hardness blade should be used. On the contrary, we should use low hardness. When printed on the surface, low spherical or flatness deviation (partial projecting) substrates, blade width should not narrow width.
    4. Screen Location
    Jig plant materials used are metal, wood, plywood, PVC transparent sheet. Such positioning difficult, substrate size and small, should be used in metal production fixture. Such as fax closer to the edge of the substrate, should be fixed as high as a plane of the substrate edge next to the wood substrate, so easy to paste graphics. Network distance is generally 1.0 ~ 2.5mm. The printing is easy to paste or textured pattern appears, it should mean transfer large net margin.
    5. Silk screen process
    Squeegee pressure is high, then the ink volume, but the screen is easy to deform, squeegee pressure should not be so high. Squeegee speed usually 60 ~ 200mm / s. Squeegee speed, the less ink, but not easy to block the net. So easy plugging ink, squeegee speed should be faster. Squeegee route is a straight line, diagonal and curved three. Should be based on a flat substrate and graphics on the substrate is selected distribution. Squeegee route length and ink consumption is large, the amount of ink to be more scratch even before scraping a layer of ink, after the squeegee.

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Wenzhou Changs Machinery Co.,Ltd. has developed series of screen printing equipment, including automatic computerised UV screen printer, automatic textile screen printer, semi-auto textile printer, automatic flatbed screen printer, manual screen printer.

