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Causes and solutions resulting paste version

Addtime:2015/7/4 10:39:22  Hits:1630

Causes and solutions resulting paste version
Paste version known as blocking version refers to graphic screen printing ink hole portion can not be transferred to the phenomenon in printing on substrates. This phenomenon can affect print quality, even when serious can not be printed correctly. Screen printing process to produce the paste version of the phenomenon of complex reasons. Paste version of the reasons could be analyzed from the following aspects.
 ① reason substrates. Screen printing substrate is varied texture characteristics of substrates paste version of the phenomenon is a factor of production. For example: the sheet, wood class. Fabric substrates and other low surface smoothness, surface strength is poor, relatively easy to produce in the printing process out of the powder, the phenomenon of hair loss, resulting paste version.
② reason the room temperature, humidity and the nature of the ink, screen printing workshop required to maintain a certain temperature and relative humidity. If the temperature is high, the relative humidity is low, the ink in the volatile solvent will evaporate quickly, the ink viscosity becomes high, thereby blocking the cell. Another point to note is that if the downtime is too long, will produce paste version of the phenomenon, the more serious the longer the paste version. Secondly, if the ambient temperature is low, the ink poor mobility also prone to paste version.
③ screen plate of reasons. Good screen printing plate system before using the water rinse and dry before using. If a good system for too long-suppressed promptly printed version, more or less in the preservation process will adhere to dust, if not clean, it will cause the printing paste version.
 The reason ④ printing pressure. Printing process embossing force is too large, curved blade, the blade is not in line contact with the screen printing plate and substrate, but the contact surface, so that each squeegee ink can not shave, and leave a residue ink, after a certain time will result in a paste version of the conjunctiva.
Improper reasons ⑤ screen printing plate and substrate gap. Screen printed version and the gap between the substrates can not be too small, the gap is too small in the squeegee screen printing plate can not be separated substrates, when the screen printing plate lifted, certain ink adhered to the bottom of the plate, so that is also easy resulting paste version.
⑥ reason ink. Large screen printing ink pigments and other solids particles to block the mesh phenomenon prone. In addition, the selected screen mesh particle size and area of the through hole a bit smaller compared to the ink, the ink is not easy to close up the phenomenon of coarse grains is also one of the reasons occurs through the mesh. Paste version due to larger particles of ink caused, can be addressed from the manufacture of ink, the main method is to strictly control the fineness of ink. Ink drying too quickly in the printing process, likely to cause trouble paste version.
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Wenzhou Changs Machinery Co.,Ltd. has developed series of screen printing equipment, including automatic computerised UV screen printer, automatic textile screen printer, semi-auto textile printer, automatic flatbed screen printer, manual screen printer.

